Fun fact: Most if not all LWT episodes feature a hidden message.
I think it is a great exercise and also a pleasant entertainment.

It usually serves either the purpose to lubricate a more worrying topic for it to slide down the mind of unpopular public opinion, or to relieve tension altogether into a distraction.

We will try to work backward on this from memory and perhaps make a more comprehensive list as we go further.

S11 E13: Indian Elections, Trump & Red Lobster: 6/2/24:
Oliver recurringly tries to raise attention that he might be targeted for his opinions, thus claims he is not afraid, however, he uses BILL MAHER’s jewish name.

Lobsters were initially considered “dirty food”. It caused riots and hungerstrikes in prisons (I think Alcatraz) that they were fed these quote “river roaches” too often during the weekdays.

As time passed, it became clear that any shipping of lobsters from the river side further into the mainland is very problematic.

Thus, acquiring lobster at your local restaurant became a thing only rich people could throw money at. Which itself turned around and presented the lobster as a delicacy.

As the worrying topic is the rise of ultra-right nationalistic movement in Modi’s Bharat (also see previous episode), It is important to feature the reminder for the case of the Hutu vs. Tutsi tribe. Rwandan Who Called Tutsis ‘Cockroaches’ in 1992 with the “Free Radio and Television of the Thousand Hills” (deriving from the description of Rwanda as “Land of a Thousand Hills“) – Nowadays social media doesn’t bother much else to lift a finger either way, unless pressured.

S11 E10: Libraries, Campus Protests & Gaza: 5/5/24 (Yom HaSHoah):

Heinrich Heine said, “Where they burn booksthey will, in the end, burn human beings too.”

Remember, there is no “public opinion”. It is formed, and in the case of the mainstream west, it is made so deliberately.

If you persist in thinking, that the communist approach results in “hivemind”, you are selfadmittedly a felon, convicted of mind-crime.
Critically thinking scientifically is not a zombie-herd. Far from it.

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