Austin Butler had only a few roles before this film.
Noticeably Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” where he played a character named Tax (tithe), self-describing as “The Devil”.
Just recently, in Wes Anderson’s stupid flick, “The dead don’t die”.
In this article, I will maintain the case that he was specifically chosen for the role by the casting* (see: cast away) manager, for his previous role in “Aliens in the Attic”.
He has since then starred in the anticipated part 2 of the DUNE saga on the big screen – Where he depicts Feyd Rautha (his uncle* is Vladimir Harkonnen – Vladimir means “Master of the world”). A “False messiah“.

Sidenote: Feyd’s brother, Glossu Rabban, is portrayed by Dave Bautista.
Again, a specific choice, since John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin.

The very name, Austin Butler, “Magnificent butler”, alludes to the in-universe “Butlerian jihad”, and aligns our expectations with the producers’.

That scenario deals with the coming of a messiah to the Hebrews of the Middle East and an obsession with the fabled “spice mélange”; a dichotomy plays out between two worlds or houses for the prized planet.
The Freemen cherish their holy water basin, while The Baron dips again in a petroleum-like jacuzzi.
The planet of the antagonists has a reverse sun, which steals light rays and leaves only infra-red – to us perceived as a black and white scenery.

  • It derives from the Old Norse name Alvíss and means “all-wise.”
  • Favorite superhero – Shazam (Lightning*)
    The letters stood for the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.
  • Sun Studio produced him. And Crown Electric Co.
  • INTERNATIONAL. Not from planet Earth.
  • Dutch. Netherland.

Thing is, this is not-so-much occult storytelling as the other cases I have presented.

The very word, “ALIEN”, does not appear until the mark of 2:08:00.
Some 30 minutes before the end. So, in between, the major part of the movie, the middle third of it, is a simple and straightforward biopic.
Some five minutes after, we have a confrontation of the two, and the parasite tells of the symbiotic relationship they have. Concluding once more, posthumously, that what had killed the star was “LOVE”.

1.5 billion live simultaneous audience of a show.
Nothing like it before, nor since.
Elvis still is the single most-selling solo artist of all time, undisputed.

To the same degree that it combines the two, it lacks the sympathy of “Love & Mercy”, telling of an abusive managerial tale, and the race struggle of “Straight Outta Compton” with a caring producer.
Instead, showing big ol’ Elvis for the Gypsy that he is;
Were he not in the middle of those major historical events in the USA, we’d see a greedy, pompous, chic media persona.

Mother Theresa, Zlatan Ibrahimovich, Charlie Chaplin.
All are in the show business.

Thus, though my prognosis/paragnosis/analysis did not specifically predict that the actor would be chosen for his role in DUNE, it clearly shows that path in which they groomed him.


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